Hi! I 'm Tamanna
Today, I want to share my journey from a lifelong vegetarian to a passionate vegan.
This Vegan Guide is not just about food; it’s also about aligning my values with how I live, showing kindness to all creatures, and living in a way that’s good for the Earth.
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End Speciesism
We All Feel Pain, Love, Joy and Fear
“There are no negatives to eating like this. I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it. I feel like it also has a kind of a domino effect on the rest of my life.”

“It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.”

“I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-around happier person.”

“Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, ‘My appetite is more important than your suffering’?”

"A vegan diet is “the single biggest measure” an individual can take to reduce their environmental impact"